In 2006 Cincy-Cinco set a new record for the World’s Largest Piñata! This proved to be quite a challenge!
With the assistance and support of Steven Schaefer & Associates, IATSE Local 5, and Home Depot, the piñata was as tall as a 4 story building. It is was made in a large warehouse and was transported a couple of days before the event to Riverbend, where it was assembled and hung high to be seen from miles around.
It was “broken” on Sunday afternoon with prizes and candy for all the children present at that time. We were happy too to share in a new stage in the history of the Piñata, a very important Latino tradition that dates back over 700 years! Learn More About the History of Piñatas
Our thanks to the following individuals for their untiring and inspired efforts!
Daniel Clark Steven – Schaefer Associates
Shawn Nolan Steven – Schaefer Associates
Art Berkley – IATSE Local 5
Nick Berkley – IATSE Local 5
Blair Gibeau – IATSE Local
Printed courtesy of – Contact the Hispanic Chamber Cincinnati USA for more information.
2637 Erie Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45208 – (513) 979-6999 –